
ASVAB -Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Exam

ASVAB Exam Description:

Arithmetic Reasoning (14 questions)
Auto and Shop Information (12 questions)
Electronics Information (15 questions)
General Science (15 questions)
Mathematics Knowledge (20 questions)
Mechanical Comprehension (15 questions)
Word Knowledge (20 questions)

More ASVAB Exam Information:

Your scores in four critical areas -- Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge (see below) -- count towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score. The AFQT score determines whether you're qualified to enlist in the U.S. military. Your scores in the other areas of the ASVAB determine how qualified you are for certain military specialties. Score high, and your chances of getting the specialty/job you want increase.

The ASVAB features eight individual subtests:

Subtest Minutes Questions Description
General Science 11 25 Measures knowledge of physical and biological sciences
Arithmetic Reasoning 36 30 Measures ability to solve arithmetic word problems
Word Knowledge 11 35 Measures ability to select the correct meaning of words presented in context, and identify synonyms
Paragraph Comprehension 13 15 Measures ability to obtain information from written material
Auto and Shop Information 11 25 Measures knowledge of automobiles, tools, and shop terminology and practices
Mathematics Knowledge 24 25 Measures knowledge of high school mathematics principles
Mechanical Comprehension 19 25 Measures knowledge of mechanical and physical principles, and ability to visualize how illustrated objects work
Electronics Information 9 20 Tests knowledge of electricity and electronics

Total number of items: 200
Test Time: 134 minutes
Administrative Time: 46 minutes
Total Test Time: 180 minutes

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