
What is Scanning in IELTS


Scanning is a reading technique used when we need to find specific information from a selection. A good sample situation where we use scanning is when we need to find a contact number from the phone directory. We naturally don't need the summary of the contents of the directory nor do we need to find main ideas there. In this case, we use our scanning skills to find the number we're looking for.

Let's try your scanning skills in this simple exercise, shall we?^^

Answer this question--In what year was the organization founded?

The World of Artists Organization (WAO) is an international group aiming to help its members to hone their artistic skills not only in the art they are currently in but in other art forms as well. The group conducts free art trainings for their members regularly. WAO started with only 5 members when it was founded in 2003. Now, it already has more than 15,000 members worldwide.

Did you get the answer? The answer is 2003 and it's very easy to find that piece of information, right? You didn't need to read the whole paragraph. You only needed to scan for numbers specifically dates, for this particular question.

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