
103. Rapid socialization is generally advantageous.

ANS: T  Group Dynamics

104. Many firms with strong cultures follow a seven-step procedure for socializing new employees.

ANS: T  | Group Dynamics

105. Determining whether or not to hire a specific job candidate is the first step in organizational differentiation.


Determining whether or not to hire a specific job candidate is the first step in effective socialization.

Group Dynamics

106. In training to develop capabilities consistent with culture, extensive theortical based training sessions leads to mastery of one of the core disciplines of the business.


In training to develop capabilities consistent with culture, tough on-the-job training leads to mastery of one of the core disciplines of the business.

 Group Dynamics MSC: Recall

107. Orgazational cultural values represent collective beliefs, assumptions and ideas about what things are good, normal, rational and valuable.

ANS: T  Analytic | Group Dynamics

108. Shared behaviors including norms are more visible and shomewhat easier to change than values.

ANS: T | Group Dynamics

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