
Difference between Ethics and Principles

73. Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that strives to meet current human needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

ANS: T  Leadership Principles

74. Xerox is a company that believes conducting business with integrity and transparency builds credibility and attracts investors.

ANS: T Leadership Principles

75. In the Ethics Competency, Johnson and Johnson Stakeholder Ethics and Principles: The company’s credo states that their first responsibility is to their customer.

ANS: T  Leadership Principles

76. In Ethics Competency Johnson and Johnson Stakeholder Ethics and Principles: The company’s credo states that their final responsibility is to their stockholders.

ANS: T Leadership Principles

77. Stakeholder responsibility holds that leaders and other employees have obligations to identifiable groups that are affected or can affect the achievement of an organization’s goals.

ANS: T  Leadership Principles

78. The idea of rights is complex and continually changing.

ANS: T  Leadership Principles

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