How to guess in GMAT
The art of Guess
Guess how important stimulation to the CAT than any other test you will have ever done. You often have to guess the CAT, because:
You can not ignore questions. If you hit a mental block, you must guess the question before you. You can not be a problem and come back later. Since all answers are final, you must ensure that your proposal is good. Most students waste more than 1 / 3 of their time to put some tough questions. You must learn to guess, move, and cut your losses, after more than a few minutes on a topic.
At the end of the Test: if the time is about to expire, you have to hurry up, make sure to check all the questions, or face a severe penalty for not finishing all the test questions. Many students have to do this last-minute sprint and are often guessing about the latest topics.
The main strategy is to guess P.O.E. (Process of elimination). A big plus in the test day is knowing that one of five possible answers must be correct. If you can eliminate two ways you can increase your chances of getting the correct answer of 65% (20% or 1 in 5 to 33% or 1 to 3). Here's how:
Eliminate answers you know are wrong. Even if you do not know the answer, you can often tell that some of the possible answers are wrong. The questions adequacy of the data, for example, can eliminate at least two options, to determine if any of the statements is correct.
Avoid answer choices that seem suspicious. For example, questions about the rate of correction, the answer choices, keep the look completely different than all other possibilities. In the quantitative part, you can usually eliminate that are negative when all other reactions are positive.
Once you have narrowed the list of possible answers, choose one of the remains. It is a myth that some answer choices, such as A or C, more right than other options.
Draw a grid
If you cross helps out answers on paper tests, to clarify your thoughts (with the help of the POE), you might consider a grid on the base paper. By using a simple grid and labeling of lines A through E, you can track the responses you have eliminated by an X in the box.
The importance of scrap paper Dry Erase
You have to use the paper dry erase zero, because you take a test of a computer screen, and you can not write on the screen. The result is that sometimes you just a big part of the question down on paper, without copying miscopying information. This is tricky and difficult. It takes valuable time to recopy information and it increases the chances of a mistake in a hurry, so you should be careful what you copy and what you do not copy.
GMAT experience CATs
About 1 / 3 of the questions in the chat are experimental and will be mixed randomly with your normal questions. In these questions you are used as guinea pigs for the experiment to the difficulty of assessing the issue. In future, this question with a difficulty depending on student performance on her when they are positioned in an experimental question.
Some students are wasting time worries about how it relates to the difficulty of the problem they encounter is based. The experimental problem is that not closely related to your skill level. In other words, if you expect a top-scorer last five questions, not all questions can be difficult (to your level). Try to avoid obsessed with the difficulty of the questions are as accurate measurement of performance. Check can be useful if the question seems too easy, and you are a student-level, which should not occur too many questions that seem easy and therefore are trick questions.
Beware of 'Evil' questions
In 800score we define a "bad" question as one that is so difficult and confusing that you would be better than random guessing even try to answer it. Random guess would produce about 1 in 5 students is the right question, but those issues have been recommended in one of 20 students to correct. This means that the test is encouraging, a large number of students in the collection of possible answers trap. Most of these "bad" questions had to be removed from our tests because they complained too hard and too many students. However, be aware that the GMAT is constantly trying to deceive you and spike responses in the event collection. If a question does not seem "super easy", it is not likely. You may only have been deceived.
Do not panic
If you have a bad day, you may cancel the test and after you finish it. Neither you nor any school will see your score if you choose to cancel the event. If you accept the test, the computer and your guests will be available in all schools (official scores are sent two weeks later). Relax and make sure the test well in advance of the maturity schedule, so you have enough time to cancel and reschedule the test, have been necessary if.