
IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 - Tips

Before you start writing task 2
Don’t forget to

· Read the essay title carefully.

· Simplify the title (turn into a yes/no question) this will help you focus on ideas.

· Decide your main premise.

· Brainstorm ideas you can discuss in your essay.

· Do the For/against activity (decide for/against point for each idea)

· Think of some relevant examples you can use and ways of explaining themShow both sides of the issue by including the arguments that oppose your main premise.

· Use problematising phrases to mark those arguments that do not support your main premise to make them appear debatable or possibly untrue.

· Clearly the mark the place in the paragraph where you change from opposing arguments to supporting arguments with a "but-type" connective e.g. "however", "on the other hand" etc.

· Use listing connectives, such as "firstly", "in addition", "moreover", "furthermore", "finally", to list all the arguments that support your main premise

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