Usage Of Idioms In IELTS - IELTS Exams Preparation Swift

Usage Of Idioms In IELTS

Speaking and Writing sections are made easy now. Make ornamentation to your usage of idioms. In the Speaking and Writing tasks of the IELTS test, you can make use of idioms to make your speaking and writing more attractive. Be cautious with usage of idioms. Every idiom can be harmful to your IELTS band score if not well-chosen and appropriately used.

In choosing a high-quality idiom, it is essential to precisely know its meaning. More importantly, choose the ones that are appropriate for the given context. Another aspect to consider is the theme or topic question you are answering. What idea would you like to emphasize or highlight? It is only when you can insert an idiom appropriately into a particular part of your speech or the essay that idioms should be used.

How you use these well-chosen idioms is another important factor. The answer goes back to a test of plainness and authenticity. Use an idiom to elaborate a thought rather than complicating it, or worse, making it more vague. Be natural, and do not use a number of idioms as if the task is to showcase how many idioms you know. Remember, a natural conversation is not scripted. You are there to express, not to impress!

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