
What you should know about the IELTS test for overseas job applicants

The International English Language Testing System, more popularly known as IELTS, is a language examination designed to assess English proficiency in the areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is used for immigration, studies and employment purposes, especially in countries like the United States (U.S), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom (U.K).
In the Philippines it is represented by the Australian IDP and the British Council which administer the test on an average of three times per month for each organization or a total of six test dates for Metro Manila and provincial candidates.
The actual taking of the exam is generally divided into two parts. The listening, reading and writing modules (written exam) are taken in one half-day, morning session. The speaking session is scheduled during the week before a written exam.
The IELTS listening module starts at 9 a.m. You will be asked to listen to a 30-minute recording of several conversations divided into four sections. You will be given a test booklet where you will find questions that you need to answer by listening to the conversation.
There are 40 items. At the end of the 30 minutes, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your final answers to a separate answer sheet.
To prepare for the listening module immerse yourself in the British and Australian language by listening to a CD compilation of the respective language conversations for at least five hours a day for the next two weeks.
To address the grammar issue, it is best that you get a good grammar exercise and vocabulary book and answer all the exercises.

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