
What should contain a Letter of Interest?

Before writing a Letter of Interest (LOI) for jobs, be sure of the following things:
(a)    Written in an Appropriate Format
(b)   Existence of professionalism
(c)    Not in an annoying presentation
(d)   Contains Correct Full Address
(e)    Letter is not hand written
(f)     Existence of clarity and conciseness

Don’ts of Letter of Interest:

(1)   Do NOT make your CV/Resume similar to one another otherwise; it would be annoying and confusing
(2)   Do NOT make repetitions of  something in Letter of Interest- time is important for an executive
(3)   Do NOT make any spelling or grammatical error--proofread your letter
(4)   Do NOT exaggerate yourself-write who you really are
(5)   Do NOT be rough- be modest and polite

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